RCI P-710-H-A Medium Range Reader & RCI P-900-H-A Long Range Reader

RCI P-710-H-A and RCI P-900-H-A sets the electronic security benchmark for medium or long range 125 kHz proximity readers. Based upon proven contactless digital radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, RCI Pyramid readers interface with a wide range of electronic access control systems by complying with either the legacy Wiegand or the latest bi-directional Open Supervised Device Protocol (OSDP). They offer value-add features such as MAXSecure™, fleaPower™ and can support several proximity card and tag technologies. 

  • MAXSecure a unique security feature
  • Contactless read range from 15 inches (P-710-H-A) to 20 inches (P-900-H-A)
  • Limited lifetime warranty
  • Wiegand or ODSP output interface
  • fleaPower energy conservation technology
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor use

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