pextra PXP System

pextra PXP is a highly secure mechanical key system with a unique sophisticated key profile. The diversity of the pextra PXP key system allows options ranging from a simple keyed alike system operated through the one key to a specific grand master key system, where multiple levels of access can be introduced.
The pextra PXP key system can be used in a variety of different applications such as building complexes, public offices, utilities or for your own private home.


Product Details


Key to Differ (KD)
Each cylinder can be operated by its own key.

Keyed Alike (KA)
Several cylinders can be opened by the same key.

Maisoned (MAIS)
Each key opens its own cylinder and the maisoned entrance cylinder (e.g. the main entrance in an apartment block).

Master Key System (MK)
Each cylinder is opened by its own individual key and by the master key.

Grand Master Key System (GMK)
Each cylinder is opened by its own individual key, the respective master key and the grand master key.


General Use:

pextra PXP can be used in both new fits and retrofits.
It is available in a wide range of different lock types, for example mortice locks, rim locks, padlocks, furniture locks, cam locks and many more.

pextra PXP is an ideal platform to use in construction keying.


pextra AU cylinder and key
pextra 107 bible
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12 - 13 Dansu Court

3803 Hallam, Victoria, Australia

Phone: 1800 675 411


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