pextra PXP 1two3 Method

Construction keying is commonly used on site during the construction phase of building.

A convenient way of providing continued security during the 3 phases of construction is to use pextra Construction keying. In simple terms, all cylinders are operated by the one key (KA) during the construction phase.

At “handover” the next stage key (commonly known as the developer key) is turned in the cylinder, moving the 1st construction wafer, and “changing” the combination of the cylinder to the key that has just been inserted. Blocking the Phase 1 key from working again.

Once the apartment is sold, to you as the owner you would insert your key into the cylinder and once the key is turned this moves the 2nd construction wafer, again “changing” the combination of the cylinder to the final combination, to your key. Blocking Phase 1 and Phase 2 keys from working again.

Product Details

Technical Details

The pextra PXP system is protected by the following patents:
• Patent EP 1 362 153 - valid until 2022
• Patent EP 2686510 - valid until 2032
• Patent Application WO2012/088562 - valid until 2032

pextra is certified to the following international standards
• AS4145.2 - Cylinder security Sc7
• AS4145.2 - Key security K8 (includes centring pin)
• EN1303 - Key related security Grade 4-6
• DIN 28252 Grade 82 (6 Pin)
• VdS Grades B, BZ and for master key systems

Duplicate keys may only be produced by an authorised dealer upon correct authorised signature.


Also good for home use to provide restricted key access to your home with the added benefit that if your keys are lost or stolen, the lock can be modified with the next key - saving a change of locks.

pextra PXP 1two3 Method
pextra PXP 1two3 Method
pextra PXP 1two3 Method

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