After sales service overview

We ensure safe access to your building

We know your building's entrance is the first impression of your organisation. A functioning automatic door or access system provides peace of mind, safety, and efficiency. With dormakaba, you are in safe hands. We handle automatic door servicing for any make or model.

Help is on the way

Emergency call-out

Our 24/7 door servicing team is on standby around the clock to handle urgent repairs and ensure your organisations access and operational continuity.

Call: 1800 675 411

For Australian based customers

Call: 0800 436 762

For New Zealand based customers

We ensure safe access to your building

From planning and installation to ongoing operations

Our fully trained and equipped technicians offer one of the industry's largest and best service networks. Our strategically located branches ensure fast response times. Whether you need assistance during the construction phase or for ongoing maintenance, our technicians and ready-stocked vans will be there to help whenever you call.

Preventive maintenance

No time for down time?

Prevent door failures and safety issues by scheduling maintenance with our qualified technicians. Ensure optimal function, safety, and comfort for staff and visitors to your premises.

Service Enquiry

Service done right

Maintenance contracts

The benefits of a dormakaba service plan

Regular maintenance and checks ensure that your automatic doors are always up to date, preventing failures. Our experts help you maintain smooth operations with safe, simple service.

Rapid assistance

We provide quick, hassle-free support in case of malfunctions.

High level of security

Regular maintenance actively prevents malfunctions, downtime and unnecessary risks.

Increasing the value of your building

We use modern technology to maximise, comfort, efficiency and sustainability.

Improved cost-effectiveness

Ongoing maintenance increases product longevity, saving time and money.


We support you in fulfilling your regulatory obligations as a building owner, manager or operator.

Maximum customer satisfaction

We refine our solutions and processes to ensure smooth people flow and a positive customer experience.

Keep your door safe

Daily check-list for your door

As part of having a safe and efficient entry door, we recommend that the unit is inspected weekly. If, however, the unit has a high traffic flow and involves children, the infirmed or the elderly, daily checks are recommended as part of your housekeeping regime to the premises.