dormakaba HD 200 Automatic Sliding Door Operator

The HD 200 is a compact sliding door operator available in both sliding and telescopic variants. Additional modules and options facilitate made-to-measure solutions for automatic sliding doors. The HD 200 automatic operator is compliant to the N.C.C (BCA) and is tested to Australian Standard AS5007, 1 million cycle endurance testing clause and main power fail test clause 4.4.2  by a NATA accredited facility.

  • Modules with special functions for challenging fields of application
  • Standardised mechanical components for all operator types
  • Responsive control and quiet operation

Product Details

Completely redesigned sliding door operator

The dormakaba HD 200 encompasses a stylish and modern cover design, a motor that ensures a virtually silent operation, a microprocessor that automatically controls the opening and closing speeds of the door, an energy saving power unit and new programming functions allowing for quick and simple installation, set-up and maintenance.

HD 200 drawing

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3803 Hallam, Victoria, Australia

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