dormakaba HSW / FSW

Add transparency and flexibility to your rooms. Wherever elegant transitions are required from one room to another and where the emphasis is on transparency in the open-plan design of living and working environments, fully glazed partitions and dividers provide an ideal adjunct to architectural excellence.

  • Ideal for any application where total vision is required
  • Adaptable to a wide range of requirements
  • Virtually any shade and color combination
  • Suitable for both modernizations and new buildings
  • Seven different versions available

Product Details

Adaptable to a wide range of requirements

dormakaba HSW / FSW sliding wall frontages can be flexibly adapted to a wide range of customer requirements - whether as straight, angled or elegantly curved configurations. The beauty of the system is that floor guides are not required, allowing the use of one uninterrupted flooring material throughout.

Horizontal and Folding Sliding Wall Systems

HSW Horizontal Sliding Wall Systems and FSW Folding Sliding Wall Systems are ideal for any application where total vision is required. Whether the purpose is to link or separate, add security, provide noise or thermal insulation, or remove barriers, dormakaba’s HSW / FSW sliding wall systems are available in a variety of configurations to meet your design requirements.

Virtually any shade and color combination

In addition, virtually any shade and color combination for the hardware finishes is possible - so the system can be perfectly aligned to the corporate design of the customer company within the framework of an integrated façade and interior design solution.

Suitable for both modernizations and new buildings

Designed for each individual application and precision-made, dormakaba HSW / FSW glass sliding walls and frontages are equally suitable for both modernizations and new buildings.

Available versions:

HSW-DRS - Fully glazed horizontal sliding walls with top and bottom DRS rails in a variety of sizes

  • HSW-G - Fully glazed horizontal sliding walls with top and bottom rails (100 mm)
  • HSW-MR - Fully glazed horizontal sliding walls with top and bottom rails (75 mm)
  • HSW-GP - Fully glazed horizontal sliding walls with point-fixed track roller carriers engaging in standard track rail
  • HSW-R - Fully framed horizontal sliding walls for toughened/laminated safety glass or double glazing
  • HSW-ISO - Fully framed horizontal sliding walls with thermal-break frame profiles
  • FSW-G - Fully glazed folding sliding walls with top and bottom rails (100 mm)
  • FSW-C - Center hung, fully glazed folding sliding walls with top and bottom rails (100 mm)

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