Product Details
Rebated, flat and special strike plates
High-quality, stainless steel strike plates for all dormakaba door openers in numerous variants for nearly all relevant installation conditions.
RK bolt contact switch
Bolt contact switch according to VdS class C no. G 193 082 with a floating changeover contact to monitor the locking of doors.
GL rectifier module
Rectifier module to connect a direct current door opener to alternating voltage. Supply voltage: 12V – 24V AC, door opener output: 12V – 24V DC, max. 700 mA.
Strike Prep 447 door opener dummy
Symmetrical insert to prepare for a later retrofitting of door openers. With adjustable latch, universal LH / RH application, can be used for flush-closing and non-rebated doors.
Easy Adapt latch guide
Robust and flexible case cover for door openers with integrated latch guide. Effectively prevents jamming of the lock latch. By avoiding unappealing recesses in the profile, it preserves the heat insulation and offers an attractive appearance.
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dormakaba Romania SRL
Str. Sabinelor 121, Sector 5,
050852 Bucuresti, România
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