About us

Welcome to dormakaba India

dormakaba in India

Established in 1997 as DORMA Door Controls, our company has gone from strength to strength and is now a major player in the access solutions industry. With more than 25 years of experience in Market India (India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal) in access and security, we continue to innovate and deliver the best products, solutions and services to our customers around the world.


Head office in Chennai


Zonal Offices


Employees support our customers in India


Strong Service Team across the country

About us

For every place that matters

We offer a comprehensive portfolio of products and services for security and access for rooms and buildings. We partner with you in every place that matters. We are there when you need innovative, reliable access and security solutions – in hotels, shops, sporting venues, airports, hospitals, in the home or at the office.

Where we are

Our locations in India

dormakaba is present across the country via our Zonal Offices

Global Accounts

Your global access solutions partner

Our Global Accounts Team is focused on multi-national corporations wishing to standardise their access solutions. Standardisation ensures quality and seamless integration to minimise variations in operating procedures. Our team of experts can support you at every stage of your security journey.

Our story

We build trust - every day

Build your career with us

As one of the top three companies for access and security solutions worldwide, we make life easier, smarter and more secure. That’s how we build trust every day. Discover how you can build your career with us!

Creating real impact

Our approach to shaping a sustainable future

Global Fairs
Local Fairs
Local Fairs

From 11 June to 12 June 2025

Inter Passenger Terminal Show

Venue: Mumbai
