We’ve got something for you

No matter the industry.

Discover our solutions up close

Our purpose

For every place that matters

Our purpose reflects the contribution we make to society: we are where our communities come together – from locations across town to locations across the world. At schools and universities, in stadiums, airports, hospitals and workplaces. We provide safety, security and sustainability, allowing people to move seamlessly and shape their lives the way they want. #ForEveryPlaceThatMatters.

Help is on the way

Customer Care

With our fully trained and equipped technicians, we offer one of the best service networks in the industry, covering a wide array of products and services.

Service Enquiry

dormakaba in India

Established in 1997 as DORMA Door Controls, our company has gone from strength to strength and is now a major player in the access solutions industry. With more than 25 years of experience in Market India (India, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal) in access and security, we continue to innovate and deliver the best products, solutions and services to our customers around the world.


Head office in Chennai


Zonal Offices


Employees support our customers in India


Strong Service Team across the country

Focus on

Secure access with comfort and design

Good design can be planned. The new Argus sensor barriers open the way to more freedom in form, color and function. They combine the options of a modern access system in the supervised entrance area in three models. From short basic versions to exquisite objects with sophisticated sensors, they offer a wide range of functions.

Customer Experience Center

Dive into the world of access and security

Our Customer Experience Center offers the opportunity to see our products in a working environment. Take a tour through our Mumbai and Bengaluru Customer Experience Center at the comfort of your home.

We build trust - every day

Build your career with us

As one of the top three companies for access and security solutions worldwide, we make life easier, smarter and more secure. That’s how we build trust every day. Discover how you can build your career with us!