How can we support women coming into the security?

Sunday, 15 December 2024

How can we support women coming into the security industry?

In September of 2023, some of our colleagues attended the Women in Security Awards, a distinguished annual ceremony to celebrate the achievements and contributions made by women in the world of security.

Jenna Higgs, Marketing Director UKI at dormakaba, hosted a roundtable discussion focussing on how we can all come together to encourage a greater participation of young women into the security industry.

We documented insightful conversations with esteemed female figures in the industry, addressing the pivotal question: 'How can we best support aspiring women venturing into the security sector?

Jasmine Hunt Brown, Director of Safelock Systems Ltd, highlighted the importance of visibility and setting examples. Being a woman actively involved in the industry serves as inspiration for others. Leveraging resources such as social media can play a pivotal role in showcasing the attractiveness of a career in security.

Kimberley Orriss, our ESA Sales Manager, emphasised the need to start the encouragement process early. By holding forums and distributing information, particularly targeting young adults exploring college, apprenticeships, and further studies, the industry can become more inclusive. It's crucial to promote these opportunities as open to women, not exclusively for men.

Camilla Kirkham, Director of Sales for Nimans, addressed the unconscious bias that often associates women primarily with office-based roles. Empowering women to apply for positions traditionally dominated by men is essential. She emphasised that with the right training and mindset, women can excel in any role, especially considering the increased presence of technology in our lives.

Lindsey Westwood, Service Delivery Manager for CDS Ltd, stressed the importance of visibility for young people. By showcasing the diverse options available within the security sector, the industry can attract a broader range of talents.

Sarah Taylor, Procurement Manager for Tesco, highlighted the critical need for raising awareness among the younger generation about the opportunities within the security field. This collective effort aims to break stereotypes and inspire more women to consider and pursue careers in security.

It’s vital that organisations give women a seat at the table, but also provide avenues for their growth, enabling them to thrive and ascend into leadership roles.

The consensus among these industry experts is clear: by fostering visibility, early encouragement, breaking biases, and raising awareness, the security industry can create an environment that welcomes and supports women in achieving success.

Take a look at the video here: