Revolutionising Security: dormakaba's MATRIXaaS Brings Access Control to the Cloud

Monday, 17 June 2024

Revolutionising Security: dormakaba's MATRIXaaS Brings Access Control to the Cloud

In an era where security is paramount, dormakaba has taken a significant leap forward with our innovative MATRIXaaS (MATRIX as a Service), a cloud-based access control solution that promises to transform the way organisations manage and secure their premises. This cutting-edge solution not only reinforces dormakaba's commitment to providing state-of-the-art security systems but also perfectly complements our extensive product portfolio, ensuring comprehensive security for businesses of all sizes.

Embracing the Cloud for Enhanced Security

The transition to cloud-based solutions has been a game-changer across various industries, and access control is no exception. MATRIXaaS leverages the power of the cloud to deliver a highly flexible, scalable, and secure access control system. Here are some of the key benefits of adopting MATRIXaaS:

Remote Management and Monitoring

One of the standout features of MATRIXaaS is the ability to manage and monitor access control systems remotely. Administrators can effortlessly oversee multiple locations from a single, centralised platform, making it easier to ensure consistent security policies and promptly address any issues that arise.


As businesses grow and evolve, their security needs change. MATRIXaaS offers unparalleled scalability, allowing organisations to easily expand their access control systems without the need for significant hardware investments. Whether it’s adding new doors, integrating with additional security devices, or accommodating an increasing number of users, MATRIXaaS scales effortlessly to meet evolving requirements.

Enhanced Security

By moving access control to the cloud, MATRIXaaS ensures that sensitive data is stored securely, protected by advanced encryption methods. Regular updates and maintenance are handled seamlessly in the cloud, reducing the risk of vulnerabilities and ensuring that the system is always up-to-date with the latest security protocols.


Traditional access control systems often involve substantial upfront costs and ongoing maintenance expenses. MATRIXaaS, on the other hand, operates on a model where you only pay for what you need, significantly reducing the initial investment and providing predictable monthly costs. This financial model is particularly advantageous for small and medium-sized enterprises looking to implement robust security solutions without straining their budgets.

Real-Time Insights and Analytics

MATRIXaaS offers comprehensive reporting and analytics features, providing real-time insights into access patterns and potential security threats. These analytics help organisations make informed decisions, optimise security protocols, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Complementing dormakaba's Product Portfolio

MATRIXaaS seamlessly integrates with dormakaba's extensive range of security products, creating a holistic approach to access control. We are renowned for our wide array of security solutions, including:

  • Electronic Access and Data

    From electronic locks to biometric systems, dormakaba's electronic access solutions are designed to provide maximum security and convenience. MATRIXaaS enhances these products by offering centralised management and remote access capabilities.

  • Door Hardware

    dormakaba's door hardware range includes everything from mechanical locks to door closers and panic hardware. MATRIXaaS integration ensures that all these components work together seamlessly, providing a cohesive and reliable security infrastructure.

  • Physical Access Systems

    Turnstiles, barriers, and revolving doors form a crucial part of any access control system. MATRIXaaS enables efficient management of these physical access points, ensuring smooth and secure entry and exit for authorised personnel.

  • Safe Locks

    High-security safe locks are essential for protecting valuable assets. With MATRIXaaS, businesses can monitor and control access to safes and vaults remotely, enhancing security and accountability.

By integrating MATRIXaaS with its existing products, we provide a unified security solution that is greater than the sum of its parts. This synergy not only enhances overall security but also simplifies management and reduces operational complexity for organisations.

Experience the Future of Access Control

At dormakaba, we believe in the power of innovation to drive security forward. MATRIXaaS represents a significant step in this direction, offering a cloud-based access control solution that is both powerful and easy to use. We are confident that MATRIXaaS will set a new standard in the industry, providing businesses with the tools they need to protect their premises effectively.

We would be delighted to demonstrate the capabilities of MATRIXaaS and show you how it can revolutionise your access control system. Our team of experts are ready to provide personalised consultations, tailored to your specific security needs. Whether you are looking to enhance your current system or explore new security solutions, we are here to help.

To learn more about MATRIXaaS and to schedule a demonstration, please get in touch with us or visit our website. Discover how dormakaba's innovative solutions can elevate your security to the next level. Your security is our priority, and with MATRIXaaS, we are committed to providing you with the best access control solution available.

Contact Us

For more information, visit our webpage at or reach out to our sales team at Let us help you secure your future with MATRIXaaS – the cloud-based access control solution that is transforming the industry.

dormakaba continues to lead the way in access control and security solutions, combining cutting-edge technology with a comprehensive product portfolio to deliver unparalleled security for businesses worldwide. With MATRIXaaS, we are not just keeping up with the future; we are defining it. Join us on this journey and experience the future of access control today.