
Tuesday, 20 February 2024

In an ever evolving employer landscape, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of diversity and inclusion, with a growing emphasis on neurodiversity. Here at dormakaba, we aim to be at the forefront of this movement, actively promoting an inclusive work environment that celebrates and supports neurodiversity.

Neurodiversity refers to the belief that neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia and others, should be recognized and respected as natural variations of the human brain. Rather than viewing these differences as disabilities, organizations like ours understand that neurodivergent individuals bring unique skills, perspectives, and talents to the workplace.

Our commitment to supporting neurodiversity was put into practice recently with an example concerning one of our technicians who suffers with severe anxiety in certain social and high pressure situations. It became evident that this anxiety was impacting their ability to attend training courses and gain an accreditation required for their role. With the aid of their manager, instead of viewing anxiety as a hindrance, the focus shifted towards understanding and addressing the specific challenges the technician faced in their role.

To support the technician in their professional growth, a bespoke training program was meticulously crafted with the support of the ADSA training academy. This program not only aimed to enhance technical skills but also incorporated strategies to manage anxiety effectively. The training modules were designed to create a supportive learning environment, acknowledging and accommodating the technician's unique needs.

There were 4 key components put in place to ensure the training program was successful:

1. Technical Skills Enhancement:

· Rigorous training sessions tailored to the technician's specific job requirements were conducted. This ensured they gained the necessary qualifications to excel in their role.

2. Anxiety Management Techniques:

· Integrated into the training were sessions focused on anxiety management techniques. This included mindfulness exercises, stress-reduction strategies, and tools to build resilience.

3. Flexible Learning Environment:

· Recognizing the importance of a comfortable learning environment, the training program allowed for flexibility in schedules and provided a quiet space for focused work.

4. Peer Support and Collaboration:

· We implemented a collaborative atmosphere by encouraging peer support, which was embodied by the technician’s manager attending the training workshop to provide a familiar face. Colleagues were also educated across the business about neurodiversity, creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued and understood.

With all the above in place, our colleague completed the training course and achieved an incredible pass score of 98%. This provides us with a fantastic example of how supporting our colleagues enables amazing results.

As important as the human side is regarding examples such as our technicians, the business case for prioritizing neurodiversity is compelling. Research consistently shows that companies with diverse workforces outperform their peers in terms of innovation and financial success. dormakaba recognizes that a neurodiverse workforce is a strategic advantage in today's competitive landscape, driving creativity and problem-solving to new levels.

As companies like ours continue to champion neurodiversity, it sets an example for others in the business world. By recognizing and valuing the unique strengths of neurodivergent individuals, we are not only creating a more inclusive workplace but also redefining success in the security arena. In an era where diversity and innovation go hand in hand it’s clear that a more inclusive future is not just possible but also highly advantageous