Empowering Excellence: Celebrating Women in Security Month at dormakaba

Thursday, 29 February 2024


In a concerted effort to recognise and celebrate the significant contributions of women in the security industry and to acknowledge International Women’s day on 8th March, dormakaba proudly presents its Women in Security Month. March serves as a dedicated time to honour the remarkable achievements, skills, and leadership of women within dormakaba and the broader security sector. This initiative underscores the company's commitment to a culture of diversity, equality, and inclusion.

Empowering Women in Security:

As part of Women in Security Month, dormakaba is shining a spotlight on the outstanding women who contribute to the company's success and influence positive change in the security field. From security experts to professionals in access solutions, these women play pivotal roles in advancing innovation and resilience.

Events and Activities:

Throughout the month of March, dormakaba has curated a series of events and activities designed to engage, inspire, and promote networking within the community. Having already hosted the UKISUG Women in SAP event from our Hitchin office, we will also be focusing on testimonials from women within dormakaba across all sections of the company. We will also delve in to company policy and how we are aiming to improve our female representation. The aim for the month is to improve on a sense of community, encourage collaboration, and provide opportunities for professional development.

Highlighting Success Stories:

One of the key features of Women in Security Month at dormakaba is to highlight our success stories. Through interviews, articles, and social media campaigns, the company is sharing the inspiring journeys of women who have excelled in various roles within the security industry. These stories serve as beacons of inspiration for current and future generations of women considering careers in security.

Building an Inclusive Future:

The initiative goes beyond a month-long celebration; it reaffirms dormakaba's commitment to building an inclusive workplace that values diverse perspectives. By creating an environment that supports the growth and advancement of all employees, regardless of gender, dormakaba aims to contribute to a more equitable future for the security industry.

Take a look at the highlights of our Women in SAP event

Women in SAP

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As dormakaba embraces Women in Security Month, it invites employees, partners, and the wider community to join in the celebration. Through recognising the achievements of women in the security field, the company not only honours its talented professionals but also contributes to the ongoing dialogue on the importance of diversity and inclusion in shaping a robust and innovative security industry. Empowering women is not just a month-long initiative but an integral part of dormakaba's commitment to creating a workplace where everyone can thrive and succeed.