Paxos compact - Electronic Combination Safe Lock

Where security is the top priority, reliability is essential. The high-security electronic locking system Paxos compact sets new standards in reliability.

The lock continually self diagnoses itself and reports to the user via the LCD screen. It has been statistically calculated that the system will operate for up to 15 million hours before a total failure.

With the lock-by-wire technology adapted from the aircraft industry, all data is transmitted by wire to the two independent security electronics in the lock casing. These drive a motor bolt via two motors, thereby releasing the door bolt to open the safe or vault door.

Existing safes and vault doors can be retrofitted with ease. With its modular design the system can be upgraded to suit changing customer requirements at any time.

Product Details

1) with second lock
2) with connection and options box
3) with option Time functions (plug-in PCB A or in its own box)
4) with option Event time
5) with option Mains operation (plug-in PCB B)
6) with option UPS connection (plug-in PCB B/USV)
7) with option Authorisation disabling (plug-in PCB C)
8) with Blocking element VdS
9) with Switching unit VdS


1) with second lock
2) with connection and options box
3) with option Time functions (plug-in PCB A or in its own box)
4) with option Event time
5) with option Mains operation (plug-in PCB B)
6) with option UPS connection (plug-in PCB B/USV)
7) with option Authorisation disabling (plug-in PCB C)
8) with Blocking element VdS
9) with Switching unit VdS

Safe Lock Paxos compact - Dial-knob input unit
Safe Lock Paxos compact - Keypad input unit
Safe Lock Paxos compact - Minimum configuration

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dormakaba Romania SRL

Str. Sabinelor 121, Sector 5,

050852 Bucuresti, România


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