Argus HSB-M03 boarding pass control

Passenger flow can be improved by automating boarding pass control as passengers enter the departure zone and proceed towards security screening.

Boarding pass control gates support airport staff in checking passengers’ boarding passes more efficiently. In turn, this reduces queues at the departure hall entrance, eliminating congestion and making it easier for the airport security units to stay in control. 

Product Details

The dormakaba system consists of the Argus half-height sensor barrier (HSB-M03) with automatic swing panels, an integrated boarding pass reader and a display for passenger information.

  • System prevents misuse of boarding cards. It detects, for instance, double use.
  • By scanning the boarding card, the system can inform the relevant airlines with the whereabouts of the passenger. The information can be used to decide whether luggage should be taken off the aircraft for late passengers.
  • First / business class, VIPs and airline staff can be managed separately, reducing waiting times.
  • Passenger flow is improved, reducing congestion and queues outside the departure hall.
  • Gate allows passage with trolley, backpack and other luggage without alarm.
  • Operators can profit from detailed reporting on passage, tailgating or attempt of passage in the wrong direction.
Argus HSB sensor barriers

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dormakaba Romania SRL

Str. Sabinelor 121, Sector 5,

050852 Bucuresti, România


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