Fine-framed sliding door with anti-intruder protection ST FLEX Secure with ES 200

Our ST FLEX/ FST FLEX SECURE sliding door system has been especially designed to provide maximum security. The system offers an unparalleled level of security and meets the increasing demand of facility operators for a solution that combines the convenience of an automatic sliding door with additional anti-intruder and anti-vandalism protection.

  • Maximum security
  • Anti-intruder and anti-vandalism protection
  • No visible barriers
  • Anti-tamper protection

Product Details

Improved security
The SECURE version offers improved security and is approved for application as standard sliding doors and sliding doors in emergency exits and escape routes.

Anti-vandalism protection
Despite its elegant design, this new sliding door system provides maximum anti-intruder and anti-vandalism protection according to VDS (Association of German Property Insurers) resistance class WK2.

No visible barriers
In contrast to similar security doorsets, there are no visible barriers. Thus, your frontage/display windows remain as transparent and inviting as ever without any negative effect on their advertising impact.

Anti-tamper protection
A continuous floor guide rail at the bottom of the door and an operator-integrated anti-tamper protection feature ensure that the door cannot be easily jimmied (levered out).


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dormakaba Romania SRL

Str. Sabinelor 121, Sector 5,

050852 Bucuresti, România


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