SAT Secure Access Temporary

Temporary access with a turn of the key​
You want to grant temporary access to a third person, but do not want to invest in an electronic access system? dormakaba has a solution that is simple, secure and economic: lock cylinder with service function.

Easy to use
When temporary access is to be granted, the owner simply retracts his key in the service position (8 o’clock). In this position the service key can open and lock the door lock from the outside and inside of the door. This keeps the door secure while the service person is on your premises. When the service person has completed his work, the door is securely locked again from the outside.

Access always under control
Whenever the outside keyway is in the vertical position (6 o’clock), the service key cannot unlock the door. If the door is locked by the service key from the inside, the proprietor key can still unlock the door from the outside in the 8 o’clock position. The owner has access at all times, even if the service key is in the lock cylinder on the inside. You can even determine which doors the service key can unlock inside your premises. Your dormakaba authorised partner will gladly help you find the best solution for your home.

  • Purely mechanical solution with proprietor and service key
  • Temporary access for cleaning and service personnel
  • No comprimises in physical security
  • Low investment cost
  • Little maintenance required

Product Details

The locking cylinder with SAT function is suitable for all kinds of temporary access including:

  • Cleaning personnel
  • Dog sitters
  • Baby sitters
  • House sitters (while you are away, e.g. during vacaction)
  • Craftsmen
  • Neighbors

Technical details

Key systems

  • expert plus
  • expert
  • quattro plus

Cylnder profiles

  • Europrofle 17mm
  • Swiss round profile 22mm

Cylinder types

  • Double cylinder
  • Single cylinder
  • Thumbturn cylinder

Cylinder lengths

  • All standard lengths and short cylinders (25mm outside)


- EN1303

  • Key related security grade 6
  • Attack resistance grade D with steel reinforcement in housing (LAM)
  • DIN 18252 grade 82 (increased burglary protection in master key systems)


How it works

The Kaba SAT lock cylinder has two key retraction positions on the outside. The owner controls temporary access by the key retraction position.

6 o'clock - in the standard vertical keyway position only the proprietor key can open and lock the door from the outside. The service key has no access in this position.

8 o'clock - when the proprietor key is retracted in the slanted position, access is granted to the service key fom the outside. The proprietor key has full access from the outside in both key retraction positions.

Inside - the inside insert has only one retraction postion at 6 o'clock. The service and proprietor keys can open and lock the door from the inside at any time. The SAT cylinder can also be equipped with a thumbturn knob on the inside.


  • Lock cylinder with SAT insert(s)
  • 3 proprietor keys
  • 1 service key
  • Security card (for ordering key copies)
  • Installation and maintenance instructions
  • Cylinder fastening screw


  • Private homes
  • Apartments
  • Small businesses and practices
  • Schools or educational institutions
Mechanical locking cylinder SAT
Mechanical locking cylinder SAT
Mechanical locking cylinder SAT

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dormakaba Hrvatska

Kovinska 4A

10090 Zagreb, Hrvatska

Telefon: +385 1 3497 597


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